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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The first decade of the the Second Millennium marked the accelerated progress and development of the Internet Technology. It accelerated in a revolutionary proportion that it's parameters encompasses a scope for a highly potential evolutionary change not alone for the human civilization but for humanity as a whole and in general. Some philosophers opine that the current phase of change cannot simply be qualified an evolutionary process but more appropriately; a mutation in progress.

We saw changes -- unprecedented changes -- happened right before our very eyes. Developmental progress that spur one after another. Changes occurring where we are introduced to new developments even without first mastering the changes we have recently acquired.

Two major technological developments became forefront of these changes now characterized as mutation:

  1. .The evolution of computer language; and,
  2. .The emergence of a creative-culture called the open source collaboration.

First, the evolutionn of language accelerated in an uncontrollable proportions. For wanting to facilitate technological processes (that is mostly, if not to say exclusively, accomplished through computing technology), research and studies focused on making the computer as easily programmable as possible.

To this end, there is no better way than making the computer speak the human tongue -- learn the human language. That in a technological process where no special technical code is necessary, computer expertise is one less the consideration in achieving technological breakthrough where one's expertise in a particular field of discipline is readily compatible with computing technology.

Hence, we saw the facilities of computer languages; the likes of unicode where computers uses the same vocabulary similar to any human language. And in order to keep up with the fast changing computer language race, it didn't take long until we just woke one morning finding out that all others have followed suit. From Linux, to Php, to Turtle, and Unix, and what have you...

The general trend became an exclusive trend, computers are to learn the language of humans much as the process easier than humans learning the language of computers. In our present state of computer affairs, it is an undeniable fact that computers are now designed with languages that are congruently human's both by syntax and semantics.

Second, the emergence of the open-source culture in the internet sphere introduced human creative processes into a new dimension. Because of this newly emerged practice, we are witness how fast have we terminated the concept of ownership.

That even the most advanced technological discoveries a product of open source collaboration, the concept of copyright and the laws relating to titles and property ownership have been changed by the concept of common ownership and collective collaboration.

There is perfectly nothing wrong the concept of open source had not only of the one defeating flaw it so far has demonstrated. For lack of title to ownership, it also necessarily the central operating control. That for any technological flaw any user may encounter, there is similarly no authority that may claim responsibility.

With these two dominating technological changes, our civilizations have been confronted with changes we are totally unfamiliar. With the internet becoming a gigantic wealth of unimaginable potentials simply lying out there with no central governing authority to regulate its operations, the cyber-space became a two edged sword -- be it heaven or hell depending on how one may chance his luck using its facilities.

Thus, with the growing technological potentials materializing every minute, a call for a more stringent control and regulation will have to be realized soon. And this realization will have to take some catastrophic proportions before our civilization yield to the call of order and control.

Worldwide associations began organizing policies and regulations to somehow minimize the explosive effects of technological revolution. But lack of central governing authority renders all efforts with a simple question of jurisdictional authority.

To this scenario came the pages of DipositaryO in pursuance of its principle that no order or state of balance can ever be achieved in an environment where regional parameters are undefined until there exist and prevail one constitutional law and decree that will spell the constitution -- what constitutes -- of all the values involved.

The creation of that dream will not come without the cooperation of the rest of world concerned, so they say as the dream merely them considered an ideal wishful thinking. But not until DepositaryO realized its potentials that consent, much less approval, by anyone not the least a prerequisite in order to pursue its constitutional objectives.

One with the rest of dreamers who dreamed of the dreams of DepositaryO, The Author now say with conviction and assurance; they that has the true power shall truly prevail, and only them that truly prevail deserve true power.

Thus, in these pages of DepositaryO, let us all join hands in realizing the dream of one constitutionally organized World Wide Web.

Magandang araw po.


